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Geomagnetic Storm Effects in Ionospheric TEC at an Equatorial Station: Contribution of E x B Drifts & Meridional Neutral WindsDabas, R S; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.14(4) [August 1985]100-106
Geomagnetic Storm Effects on Ionospheric Total Electron Content in Indian ZoneJain, A R; Deshpande, M R; Sethia, G; Rastogi, R G; Singh, Malkiat; Gurm, H S; Lanve, A V; Rai, R KIJRSP Vol.07(2) [April 1978]111-118
Geomagnetic Storm Effects on Ionospheric Total Electron Content in Indian Zone - Part II : Evidence of Equatorial Electrojet Control through Fountain EffectJain, A R; Deshpande, M R; Sethia, G; Rastogi, R G; Singh, Malkiat; Gurm, H S; Janve, A V; Rai, R KIJRSP Vol.07(5) [October 1978]254-261
High-resolution measurements of horizontal wind using ST mode of the Indian MST radar: A comparison with balloon measurementsKishore, P; Rao, P B; Jain, A R; Balamuralidhar, P; Damle, S H; Viswanathan, G; Rama, G VIJRSP Vol.23(1) [February 1994]41-51
Indian MST radar in ST mode — An overviewRao, P B; Jain, A R; Viswanathan, G; Damle, S HIJRSP Vol.23(1) [February 1994]1-5
Indian MST radar—An overview of the scientific programmes and resultsJain, A R; Rao, D Narayana; Rao, P BIJRSP Vol.29(4) [August 2000]149-171
Long period oscillations of zonal wind in lower and middle atmosphere over Thumba: Power spectrum analysis for inter-annual variations and other featuresJain, A R; Rangarajan, G KIJRSP Vol.20(6) [December 1991]409-416
Modulation of thermal structure in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) region by inertia gravity waves: A case study inferred from simultaneous MST radar and GPS sonde observationsDas, Siddarth Shankar; Kumar, K K; Uma, K N; Ratnam, M V; Patra, A K; Das, S K; Ghosh, A K; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.43(1) [February 2014]11-23
Observations of low latitude spread-F using ST mode of the Indian MST radarRao, P B; Jain, A R; Anandan, V KIJRSP Vol.23(1) [February 1994]93-100
On the Cause of Day-to-day Variability in the F-region Electron ConcentrationJain, A R; Mahajan, K KIJRSP Vol.08(3) [June 1979]119-221
Oscillation of tropical tropopause during passage of atmospheric wavesRao, Y Jaya; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.29(4) [August 2000]203-209
A Preliminary Report on Micropulsations Observed at DelhiJain, A R; Lakshmi, D R; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.15(4) [August 1986]143-144
Preliminary results using ST mode of the Indian MST radar: Measurement of vertical velocityViswanathan, G; Kishore, P; Rao, P B; Jain, A R; Aravindhan, R; Balamuralidhar, P; Damle, S HIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]97-102
Radar signal spectra dependence on the pulse width: Observations using ST mode of the Indian MST radarJain, A R; Rao, P B; Rao, Y JIJRSP Vol.23(1) [February 1994]86-92
Retrieval of raindrop size distributions from the L-band and VHF wind profilers during convective and stratiform rainSharma, Sanjay; Sarma, Diganta Kumar; Konwar, Mahen; Das, J; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.37(3) [June 2008]185-196
Reversal of E x B Drift & Post-Sunset Enhancement of the Ionospheric Total Electron Content at Equatorial LatitudesJain, A RIJRSP Vol.16(3) [June 1987]267-272
Signature of passage of ITCZ on wind profiles from MST radar at GadankiMurthy, B V Krishna; Nayar, S R Prabhakaran; Revathy, K; Mridula, G; Satheesan, K; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.29(4) [August 2000]199-202
Some observations of tropical tropopause using ST mode of the Indian MST radar: Multiple stable layer structureRao, Y J; Jain, A R; Anandan, V K; Rao, P B; Viswanathan, G; Arvindan, RIJRSP Vol.23(1) [February 1994]75-85
A statistical comparison of Indian MST radar and rawinsonde wind measurementsKishore, P; Reddy, K Krishna; Rao, D Narayana; Rao, P B; Jain, A R; Rama, G V; Sankar, SIJRSP Vol.29(3) [June 2000]102-114
A study of atmospheric waves of 30-70 day period in zonal wind over near-equatorial station ThumbaKumar, Keshav; Jain, A RIJRSP Vol.21(1) [February 1992]42-46