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Ecological status of cerethium caeruleum at dwarka coast, Gujarat (India)Gohil, Bharatsinh; Kundu, RahulIJMS Vol.42(4) [August 2013]481-486
Effects of dyeing and printing industry effluent on acid and alkaline phosphatase in few vital organs of a coastal teleost, Periophthalmus dipesChhaya, Jignasa; Thaker, Jayesh; Mittal, Renu; Nuzhat, Sheeba; Mansuri, A. P.; Kundu, RahulIJMS Vol.26(2) [June 1997]186-190
Effects of low concentrations of a polychlorinated biphenyl, Aroclor 1254 on membrane bound ion dependent ATPases in mice liverPathak, Shweta; Kundu, RahulIJEB Vol.51(06) [June 2013]477-480
First record and colour banding pattern of Cellana karachiensis (Winckworth, 1930) (Mollusca: Patellogastropoda: Nacellidae) from Gujarat coast, IndiaPoriya, Paresh; Vakani, Bhavik; Kundu, RahulIJMS Vol.45(01) [January 2016]161-166
Movement and bioaccumulation of chromium in an artificial freshwater ecosystemRamoliya, Jignesh; Kamdar, Ashish; Kundu, RahulIJEB Vol.45(05) [May 2007]475-479
Regional variations in fibre growth dynamics of myotomal and caudal fin muscles in relation to body size of a freshwater teleost, Barbus sarana (Cuv. & Val.)Pandya, Swati; Arora, Kamakshi; Misra, Sudipta; Kundu, RahulIJEB Vol.41(08) [August 2003]850-856
Spatiotemporal variations of hermit crab (crustacea: decapoda) inhabiting rocky shore along Saurashtra coast, western coast of IndiaVaghela, Ashok; Kundu, RahulIJMS Vol.41(2) [April 2012]146-151
Status of the seawater quality at few industrially important coasts of Gujarat (India) off Arabian SeaBhadja, Poonam; Kundu, RahulIJMS Vol.41(1) [February 2012]90-97