Browsing by Author Murthy, M.S.S.

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Showing results 17 to 22 of 22 < previous 
Outsmarting the Superbugs!Murthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.49(08) [August 2012]28-31
A Peek into Planetary MagnetismMurthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.58(07) [July 2021]46-49
Raman Effect: From Studying Cells to Detecting BombsMurthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.53(02) [February 2016]14-18
Underground Observatories – Searching for NeutrinosMurthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.52(04) [April 2015]20-24
Vainu Bappu: Father of Modern Indian AstronomyMurthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.48(03) [March 2011]29
Voyager – Time Capsule of Human CivilisationMurthy, M.S.S.SR Vol.54(12) [December 2017]39-41