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Showing results 37 to 56 of 83 < previous   next >
Interplanetary Magnetic Field & Equatorial IonosphereRastogi, R G; Kroehl, H WIJRSP Vol.07(2) [April 1978]84-89
Interplanetary Magnetic Field Effects in the E-region Drifts at Low LatitudesVyas, G D; Chandra, H; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.10(5) [October 1981]206-208
Ionospheric Drift Measurements at Tiruchirapalli - 2.Results of Cross-spectral AnalysisVyas, G D; Chandra, H; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.09(1) [February 1980]30-32
Ionospheric Drift Measurements at Tiruchirapalli -1. E-region Results by Full Correlation AnalysisVyas, G D; Chandra, H; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.09(1) [February 1980]12-14
Ionospheric E-region Drift Measurements at TiruchirapalliRastogi, R G; Vyas, G D; Chandra, H; Devanathan, S NIJRSP Vol.07(1) [February 1978]26-30
Ionospheric E-region Drift Measurements over Ahmedabad during 1970-75Patel, V P; Chandra, H; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.07(1) [February 1978]22-25
Ionospheric E-region irregularities during equatorial counter electrojetRastogi, R G; Subbarao, K S VIJRSP Vol.30(3) [June 2001]130-137
Ionospheric Scintillations of vhf Radio Signals from Satellites at AhmedabadIyer, K N; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.07(1) [February 1978]9-12
Ionospheric Total Electron Content over the Magnetic Equator (Kodaikanal) during Half a Solar CycleIyer, K N; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.07(1) [February 1978]16-21
Longitudinal inequalities in equatorial ionosphere electric fieldRastogi, R G; James, M E; Tripathi, DIJRSP Vol.25(1) [February 1996]27-35
Lunar tidal effects on zonal and meridional equatorial electrojet currentsRastogi, R G; Joshi, H P; Iyer, K NIJRSP Vol.24(1) [February 1995]39-44
Magnetic disturbance effect on geomagnetic field at low latitudesJames, M E; Rastogi, R G; Winch, D EIJRSP Vol.33(2) [April 2004]88-94
Nature of Equatorial Spread-F Irregularities Derived from Spaced Fading Records at ThumbaChandra, H; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.07(5) [October 1978]266-268
A new look at the ionospheric current systemRastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.32(1) [February 2003]21-37
A new relationship between geomagnetic H and Y fields during disturbed conditionsRastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.25(5) [October 1996]300-307
Nighttime Ionospheric Scintillations & E- & F-region Irregularities at the Magnetic EquatorRastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.11(1) [February 1982]1-14
A Numerical Model for Low-Latitude Ionospheric TECSethia, G; Chandra, H; Deshpande, M R; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.07(3) [June 1978]149-151
A Numerical Model of Equatorial & Low Latitude Total Electron Content for Use by Satellite Tracking Systems for Ionospheric CorrectionsKlobuchar, J A; Iyer, K N; Vats, H O; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.06(3) [September 1977]159-164
On the eastward geomagnetic field variations at electrojet stationsRastogi, R G; Stening, R JIJRSP Vol.31(2) [April 2002]67-74
Onset of Equatorial Radio Scintillations on Different FrequenciesRastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.12(5) [October 1983]150-155