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Evaluation of Ultrasonic Sensor for Flow Measurement in Open ChannelKumar, Amit; Sarangi, Arjamadutta; Singh, D K; Dash, Sukanta; Mani, IndraJSIR Vol.82(10) [October 2023]1091-1099
Extraction of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solution by Emulsion Liquid MembraneSingh, D K; Bharadwaj, R K; Srivastava, Bhavana; Sahu, ArchanaJSIR Vol.61(07) [July 2002]538-542
Iron oxide coated sand as an adsorbent for separation and removal of phenolsSingh, D K; Srivastava, Bhavana; Yadav, PushpaIJCT Vol.09(4) [July 2002]285-289
Molluscicidal activity of Piper cubeba Linn., Piper longum Linn. and Tribulus terrestris Linn. and their combinations against snail Indoplanorbis exustus Desh.Pandey, Jitendra K; Singh, D KIJEB Vol.47(08) [August 2009]643-648
Molluscicidal activity of Lawsonia inermis and its binary and tertiary combinations with other plant derived molluscicidesSingh, Amrita; Singh, D KIJEB Vol.39(03) [March 2001]263-268
Phytoplankton assemblage and UV-protective compounds in the river GangesAhmed, H; Pathak, J; Singh, D K; Pandey, A; Rajneesh; Singh, V; Kumar, D; Singh, P R; Sinha, R PIJTK Vol.20(1) [January 2021]191-203
Purification and characterization of cytosolic pyruvate kinase from developing seeds of Brassica campestris L Singh, D K; Malhotra, Sarla P; Singh, RandhirIJBB Vol.37(1) [February 2000]51-58
Removal of Cr (VI) using triisoamyl phosphateSingh, D K; Garg, S K; Bhardwaj, R KIJCT Vol.07(4) [July 2000]205-206
Removal of Phenol Pollutants from Aqueous Solutions Using Various AdsorbentsSingh, D K; Srivastava, BhavanaJSIR Vol.61(03) [March 2002]208-218
Resonance energy, growth rate and magnetic field intensity of the ELF emissions at low latitudeSingh, D K; Singh, R PIJRSP Vol.31(2) [April 2002]75-81
Synthesis and characterization of Fe(III)-ion imprinted polymer for recovery of Fe(III) from water samplesSingh, D K; Mishra, ShraddhaJSIR Vol.69(10) [October 2010]767-772
Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications of zirconium (IV) diethanolamineSingh, D K; Kumar, VijayIJCT Vol.16(3) [May 2009]254-258
Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications of zirconium(IV) sulphosalicylophosphateSingh, D K; Singh, ShaliniIJCT Vol.11(1) [January 2004]23-28
Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of the complexes of manganese(III), cobalt(III), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) with salicylaldehyde thiobenzhydrazoneSingh, N K; Singh, D K; Singh, JIJC-A Vol.40A(10) [October 2001]1064-1069
Synthesis, characterization and biological properties of N-nicotinoyl-N'-thiobenzoyl hydrazine complexes of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II)Singh, N K; Singh, S B; Singh, D K; Chauhan, V BIJC-A Vol.42A(11) [November 2003]2767-2771
Verotoxic Escherichia coli (STEC) from beef and its productsHazarika, R A; Singh, D K; Kapoor, K N; Agarwal, R K; Pandey, A B; PurusottamIJEB Vol.45(02) [February 2007]207-211