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Biological characteristics of the Laccadive Sea (Lakshadweep)Bhattathiri, P M A; Devassy, V PIJMS Vol.08(4) [December 1979]222-226
Chlorophyll a, phaeopigments and particulate organic carbon in the Northern and Western Bay of BengalRadhakrishna, K; Thiri, P M A Bhatia; Devassy, V PIJMS Vol.11(4) [December 1982]287-291
Distribution of Phytoplankton & Chlorophyll a around Little Andaman IslandDevassy, V P; Bhattathiri, P M AIJMS Vol.10(3) [September 1981]248-252
Effect of industrial effluents on biota: A case study off Mangalore, west coast of IndiaDevassy, V P; Achuthankutty, C T; Harkantra, S N; Nair, S R SreekumaranIJMS Vol.16(3) [September 1987]146-150
Phytoplankton assemblages and pigments in the exclusive economic zone of Mauritius (Indian Ocean)Devassy, V P; Goes, J IIJMS Vol.20(3) [September 1991]163-168
Primary Productivity &Carbon Assimilation Patterns in Tropical Marine PhytoplanktonGoes, J I; Devassy, V PIJMS Vol.15(4) [December 1986]205-211
Primary productivity of the Andaman SeaDevassy, V P; Bhattathiri, P M AIJMS Vol.10(3) [September 1981]243-247
Seasonal fluctuations in the occurrence of Cladocera in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine waters of GoaGoswami, S C; Devassy, V PIJMS Vol.20(2) [June 1991]138-142
Succession of organisms following Trichodesmium phenomenonDevassy, V P; Bhattathiri, P M A; Qasim, S ZIJMS Vol.08(2) [June 1979]89-93
Swarming of Pelagic Tunicates Associated with Phytoplankton Bloom in the Bay of BengalMadhupratap, M; Devassy, V P; Nair, S R Sreekumaran; Rao, T S SIJMS Vol.09(1) [March 1980]69-71
Zooplankton of Trichodesmium PhenomenonNair, Vijayalakshmi R; Devassy, V P; Qasim, S ZIJMS Vol.09(1) [March 1980]1-6