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Apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid in estuarine water at different salinities and temperaturesGhosh, S K; Jana, T KIJMS Vol.23(2) [June 1994]126-128
A bit synchronizer for telecommunication with a balloon-borne experimentChalke, S A; Costa, S L D; Ghosh, S K; Patkar, D MIJRSP Vol.28(3) [June 1999]134-140
Boron-boric acid complexes in estuarine water of river Hugli, east coast of IndiaGhosh, S K; Jana, T KIJMS Vol.22(3) [September 1993]225-226
Calcite and aragonite saturation in the Hugli estuary (Bay of Bengal)Ghosh, S K; Mahapatra, B; De, T K; Choudhury, A; Jana, T KIJMS Vol.21(3) [September 1992]207-209
Carbon film deposited collector electrode for high efficiency TWTsArya, Suneeta; Latha, A Mercy; Ghosh, S K; Srivastava, Vishnu; Paul, A K; Singla, Monika; Ramanand; Sharma, R KIJPAP Vol.54(02) [February 2016]111-115
A CCD camera for guidance of 100-cm balloon-borne far-infrared telescopeD'Costa, S L; Ghosh, S K; Tandon, S NIJRSP Vol.20(3&4) [June & August 1991]283-286
Chemical composition and solubility of biogenous calcium carbonate in the estuarine waters of the Hugli river, IndiaGhosh, S K; Saha, A; Jana, T KIJMS Vol.24(3) [September 1995]128-132
Conductometric determination of dissociation constants of picric acid in 2-methoxyethanol, 1,2-dimethoxyethane and their aqueous binary mixturesGhosh, S K; Hazra, D KIJC-A Vol.29A(07) [July 1990]656-660
Effect of alcohol on neurons of iso-cortex - A histomorphometric studyMitra, N K; Ghosh, S KIJEB Vol.41(11) [November 2003]1259-1263
Effect of ceramic material on heat dissipation from multi-stage depressed collector used in high efficiency traveling-wave tubesGahlaut, Vishant; Sharma, R K; Srivastava, V; Alvi, P A; Ghosh, S KIJPAP Vol.51(09) [September 2013]657-660
Effect of number of passes on basic physical properties of nonwoven needle-punched fabricsGhosh, S K; Talukdar, M K; De, P KIJFTR Vol.19(2) [June 1994]61-66
Effect of number of passes on tensile and tear properties of nonwoven needle-punched fabricsGhosh, S K; Talukdar, M K; Dey, P KIJFTR Vol.20(3) [September 1995]145-149
Far-infrared astronomy at TIFRGhosh, S KIJRSP Vol.20(3&4) [June & August 1991]241-248
Hall effects on unsteady MHD natural convective flow past an impulsively moving plate with ramped temperature and concentrationDas, S; Jana, R N; Ghosh, S KIJPAP Vol.54(08) [August 2016]517-534
Influence of fibre cross-section and processing parameters on bending length of nonwoven needle-punched fabricsTalukdar, M K; Roy, M Deb; Ghosh, S K; Mhadgut, D VIJFTR Vol.23(3) [September 1998]147-152
Investigation of Cr3+ substituted γ-Fe2O3 catalyst in its active formSengupta, A C; Kundu, M L; Maiti, G C; Sen, B; Ghosh, S K; Banerjee, P; Ganguli, S; Bhattacharya, MIJC-A Vol.31A(12) [December 1992]909-914
Modified ionic gelation method preparation of hydrogel microbeads of a water soluble drugSachan, Nikhil Kumar; Pushkar, Seema; Ghosh, S KBVAAP Vol.20(2) [December 2012]171-176
Molecular cloning and expression of buffalo SRY gene: A mammalian sex determination proteinShende, A M; Kutty, V H M; Ramteke, S S; Ghosh, S K; Prasad, J K; Bhure, S KIJBT Vol.13(3) [July 2014]364-369
Multi Attribute Decision Making for Determining Optimum Process Parameter in EDC with Si and Cu Mixed Powder Green Compact ElectrodesChakraborty, S; Kar, S; Dey, V; Ghosh, S KJSIR Vol.77(04) [April 2018]229-236
Oxygen deficiency in Hooghly estuary, east coast of IndiaGhosh, S K; De, T K; Choudhury, A; Jana, T KIJMS Vol.20(3) [September 1991]216-217