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Biochemical Composition of Zooplankton from the Andaman SeaGoswami, S C; Rao, T S S; Matondkar, S G PIJMS Vol.10(3) [September 1981]296-300
Biomass and biochemical composition of zooplankton from northwest Bay of Bengal during January 1990Kumari, L Krishna; Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.22(2) [June 1993]143-145
Biomass relations between phytoplankton and zooplankton in Goa watersPant, A; Matondkar, S G P; Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.13(3) [September 1984]116-118
Copepod Swarm in the Campbell Bay (Andaman Sea)Goswami, S C; Rao, T S SIJMS Vol.10(3) [September 1981]274-275
Developmental Stages of Calanoid Copepods, Labidocera pavo Giesbrecht and L. minuta GiesbrechtGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.07(4) [December 1978]288-294
Diel variation in zooplankton and their biochemical composition from Vengurla to Ratnagiri, west coast of IndiaGoswami, S C; Kumari, L Krishna; Shivastava, YashoshriIJMS Vol.29(3) [September 2000]277-280
Diel variation in zooplankton in Minicoy lagoon and Kavaratti atoll (Lakshadweep islands)Goswami, S C; Goswami, UshaIJMS Vol.19(2) [June 1990]120-124
Diel variations of zooplankton at Kavaratti Atoll (Lakshadweep)Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.08(4) [December 1979]247-251
Distribution of Pleuromamma spp (Copepoda-Calanoida) in the northern Arabian SeaGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.23(3) [September 1994]178-179
Karyology of the genus Labidocera Lubbock from the Laccadive Sea (Lakshadweep)Goswami, Usha; Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.08(4) [December 1979]259-261
Lunar, diel and tidal variability in penaeid prawn larval abundance in the Mandovi estuary, GoaGoswami, S C; Goswami, UshaIJMS Vol.21(1) [March 1992]21-25
Observations on feeding behaviour and survival rates in the estuarine calanoid copepods Acartia spinicauda and Heliodiaptomus cinctus (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida)Shrivastava, Y; Fernandes, Brenda; Goswami, S C; Goswami, Usha; Achuthankutty, C TIJMS Vol.28(2) [June 1999]222-224
Production and zooplankton community structure in the lagoon and surrounding sea at Kavaratti Atoll (Lakshadweep)Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.12(1) [March 1983]31-35
Seasonal fluctuations in the occurrence of Cladocera in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine waters of GoaGoswami, S C; Devassy, V PIJMS Vol.20(2) [June 1991]138-142
Secondary Production and Zooplankton Abundance in the Coastal Waters from Vengurla to Malpe, West Coast of IndiaGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]85-92
Shoaling of sergestid shrimp Acetes johni (Crustacea Decapoda: Sergestidae) associated with swarming of gammarid amphipodsGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.23(2) [June 1994]115-116
Zooplankton abundance in the Laccadive Sea (Lakshadweep)Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.08(4) [December 1979]232-237
Zooplankton distribution in neuston and water column along west coast of India from Goa to GujaratPadmavati, G; Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.25(2) [June 1996]85-90
Zooplankton ecology in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, west coast of IndiaPadmavati, G; Goswami, S CIJMS Vol.25(3) [September 1996]268-273
Zooplankton incidence in abnormally high sea surface temperature in the Eastern Arabian SeaGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.12(2) [June 1983]118-119