Browsing by Author Gupta, M K Das

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Atmospherics in Relation to Source Phenomena & Radio Wave Propagation in the VHF, UHF, Microwave & Millimetre Wave BandsSen, A K; Gupta, M K DasIJRSP Vol.16(1) [February 1987]127-135
A Comparative Study on the 27-day Cycle Variation in Solar Activities Calcium Plage: Sunspots & Radio EmissionGupta, M K Das; Mitra, Rita; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.08(5&6) [October & December 1979]375-378
Emergence of radio astronomy — The Indian scenarioGupta, M K DasIJRSP Vol.19(5&6) [October & December 1990]484-492
Nature of Solar Radio Burst Spectra in Frequency Band 0.245-35 GHzOas, T K; Gupta, M K DasIJRSP Vol.12(3) [June 1983]68-73
Solar Diffuse Radiation & Its Relation with Cloud DischargesSarkar, S K; Bhattacharya, A B; Gupta, M K DasIJRSP Vol.10(3) [June 1981]81-84
Some Studies on Isolated Sunspot Magnetic Configurations & Associated Hoc-Flares & Microwave BurstsChattopadhyay, T; Sarkar, S K; Gupta, M K DasIJRSP Vol.06(2) [June 1977]144-147
Some Studies on Solar Radio Bursts & SIDs in Relation to Distinctive Visual Features of Hɑ-FlaresGupta, M K Das; Das, T K; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]89-91
Some Studies on Sunspots in relation to Hɑ-Flares & RadioburstsDas, T K; Gupta, M K Das; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.10(5) [October 1981]203-205
Tropospheric water vapour modelling over a tropical location by radiometric studySen, A K; Karmakar, P K; Devbarman, S; Gupta, A K Dev; Gupta, M K Das; Calla, O P N; Rana, S SIJRSP Vol.20(5) [October 1991]347-350