Browsing by Author Harkantra, S N

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Benthic production and assessment of demersal fishery resources of the Indian SeasParulekar, A H; Harkantra, S N; Ansari, Z AIJMS Vol.11(2) [June 1982]107-114
Benthos of the Shelf Region along the West Coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Nair, Ayyappan; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.09(2) [June 1980]106-110
Benthos off Cochin, southwest coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.16(1) [March 1987]57-59
Bioturbation by praxillella pacifica (Polchaeta:Maldanidae) and its effect on Chone sp.(Polycheta:Sabellidae) in tomioka Bay, Amakusa,JapanHarkantra, S N; Yun, S G; Kikuchi, TIJMS Vol.18(4) [December 1989]276-279
Ecology and culturing of edible bivalves in GoaParulekar, A H; Nair, S A; Ansari, Z A; Harkantra, S N; Chatterji, A; Ingole, B S; Roy, J MIJMS Vol.13(4) [December 1984]190-192
Effect of industrial effluents on biota: A case study off Mangalore, west coast of IndiaDevassy, V P; Achuthankutty, C T; Harkantra, S N; Nair, S R SreekumaranIJMS Vol.16(3) [September 1987]146-150
Interdependence of environmental parameters and sand dwelling benthic species abundance : A multivariate approachHarkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.20(3) [September 1991]232-234
Macrobenthos of the shelf off North Eastern Bay of BengalHarkantra, S N; Rodrigues, C L; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.11(2) [June 1982]115-121
Population distribution of meiofauna in relation to some environmental features in a sandy intertidal region of Goa, west coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.18(4) [December 1989]259-264
Population ecology and community structure of subtidal soft sediment dwelling macroinvertebrates of Konkan, west coast of IndiaVizakat, Lathika; Harkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.20(1) [March 1991]40-42
Soft sediment dwelling macro-invertebrates of Rajapur bay, central west coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.23(1) [March 1994]31-34
Studies on Sublittoral Macrobenthic Fauna of the Inner Swansea BayHarkantra, S NIJMS Vol.11(1) [March 1982]75-78
Sub-littoral meiobenthos of the Northeastern Bay of BengalRodrigues, C L; Harkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.11(3) [September 1982]239-242