Browsing by Author Kumar, Rajendra

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Apparent Molal Volume of Tetraalkylammonium Iodides in Dioxane-Water Mixtures of Varying Dielectric ConstantsGopal, Ram; Kumar, Rajendra; Agarwal, D. K.IJC-A Vol.14A(10) [October 1976]803-804
DeeR-Gen: A Pseudo Random Number Generator for Industry 4.0 / IoTGupta, Deena Nath; Kumar, RajendraJSIR Vol.82(03) [March 2023]316-321
DeeR-Hash: A lightweight hash construction for Industry 4.0 / IoTGupta, Deena Nath; Kumar, RajendraJSIR Vol.82(01) [January 2023]142-150
Development and assessment of green synthesis of hydrazidesSaha, Ajoy; Kumar, Rajesh; Kumar, Rajendra; Devakumar, CIJC-B Vol.49B(04) [April 2010]526-531
Marker assisted detection of gene (1Dx5) and translocation (1B/1R) in wheat genotypesTiwari, Ratan; Priyamvada; Singh, Rajender; Nainawatee, H S; Kumar, Rajendra; Tyagi, B S; Gupta, R K; Nagarajan, SIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]309-313
Molecular analysis for genetic structure of biotic and abiotic stress resistant genotypes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)Singh, Reema; Kumari, Nilima; Upadhyaya, Hari D; Yadav, Renu; Vaishali; Choi, Insoo; Kumar, RajendraIJBT Vol.12(4) [October 2013]537-540
Regeneration of plantlets from nodal explant-derived callus cultures of Albizia lucida Benth.Saha, Dipnarayan; Kumar, Rajendra; Ramani, RanganathanIJBT Vol.12(2) [April 2013]265-268
Statistical investigation on use of application of micro nutrients in rice-wheat cropping systemKumar, Rajendra; Singh, N P; Singh, GyanBVAAP Vol.15(1) [June 2007]18-22
Study of the optimum time of harvesting and dose of potash for maximum Sugarcane yield by using Response Surface MethodologyKumar, Rajendra; Sharma, S C; Singh, N PBVAAP Vol.15(2) [December 2007]172-176
TRIPS: Protection of Geographical Denominations and Undisclosed Information*Kumar, RajendraJIPR Vol.03(5) [September 1998]299-308