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Benthic fauna around Mauritius island, southwest Indian OceanIngole, B S; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.21(4) [December 1992]268-273
Benthic fauna of Kakinada bay and backwaters, east coast of IndiaVijayakumar, R; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.20(3) [September 1991]195-199
Benthic Harpacticoid Copepod Community Of Saphala Salt-Marsh Along The West-Coast Of IndiaIngole, B S; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.19(3) [September 1990]217-220
Benthic Macrofauna of the Andaman SeaParulekar, A H; Ansari, Z AIJMS Vol.10(3) [September 1981]280-284
Benthic production and assessment of demersal fishery resources of the Indian SeasParulekar, A H; Harkantra, S N; Ansari, Z AIJMS Vol.11(2) [June 1982]107-114
Benthic Studies in Goa Estuaries. Part III - Annual Cycle of Macrofaunal Distribution, Production & Trophic RelationsParulekar, A H; Dhargalkar, V K; Singbal, S Y SIJMS Vol.09(3) [September 1980]189-200
Benthos of the Shelf Region along the West Coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Nair, Ayyappan; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.09(2) [June 1980]106-110
Benthos off Cochin, southwest coast of IndiaHarkantra, S N; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.16(1) [March 1987]57-59
Biochemical composition and caloric potential of zooplankton from Bay of BengalSreepada, R A; Rivonker, C U; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.21(1) [March 1992]70-73
Biochemical composition of Antarctic zooplankton from the Indian Ocean sectorIngole, B S; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.24(2) [June 1995]73-76
Biology of commercially important penaeid prawns of Goa WatersAchuthankutty, C T; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.15(3) [September 1986]171-173
Community structure of meiobenthos from a tropical estuaryAnsari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.27(3&4) [September & December 1998]362-366
Distribution of meiobenthos and macrobenthos at the mouth of some rivers of the East Coast of IndiaAnsari, Z A; Rodrigues, C L; Chatterji, A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.11(4) [December 1982]341-343
Distribution of penaeid prawn larvae in the coastal waters of GoaAchuthankutty, C T; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.15(1) [March 1986]45-47
Ecology and culturing of edible bivalves in GoaParulekar, A H; Nair, S A; Ansari, Z A; Harkantra, S N; Chatterji, A; Ingole, B S; Roy, J MIJMS Vol.13(4) [December 1984]190-192
Effect of lunar periodicity on the abundance of crabs from the Goa coastChatterji, Anil; Ansari, Z A; Ingole, B S; Sreepada, R A; Kanti, A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.23(3) [September 1994]180-181
Effectiveness of formaldehyde in Caligus infection of laboratory reared grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (L)Chatterji, A; Ingole, B S; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.11(4) [December 1982]344-346
Elemental (C, H, N) composition of zooplankton from north Arabian SeaMatondkar, S G P; Bhat, K L; Ansari, Z A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.24(2) [June 1995]68-72
Genetic variations in marine natural population - Measurement and utility in resource management and conservation: A reviewMenezes, Maria R; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.27(3&4) [September & December 1998]267-273
Growth and Production of Benthic Bivalve, Gafrarium pectinatum (Linn.) from West coast of IndiaAnsari, Z A; Chatterji, A; Parulekar, A HIJMS Vol.15(4) [December 1986]262-263