Browsing by Author Rahman, M M

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Antiproliferative potential of Sargassum binderi Sonder ex J. Agardh mediated biogenic silver/silver chloride nanoparticles on EAC, MCF-7 and HCT116 cellsAhamed, M S; Rahman, M M; Hasan, I; Kabir, S R; Asaduzzaman, A K MIJMS Vol.51(02) [February 2022]126-137
Computation of solar radiation tilt factor and optimum tilt angle for BangladeshRahman, M M; Shareef, Shahryar; Rahman, Roksana; Choudhury, M G MIJRSP Vol.29(1) [February 2000]37-40
Global solar radiation correlation with bright sunshine hour data for MalaysiaRahman, M MIJRSP Vol.28(5) [October 1999]221-225
Modified Angstrom coefficients for the sunshine-irradiation correlationRahman, M M; Zakaria, MIJRSP Vol.34(1) [February 2005]33-41
Neutron radiographic investigation of the quality of some rubber samplesIslam, M N; Rahman, M M; Islam, S M A; Zaman, M AIJPAP Vol.38(09) [September 2000]675-680
Optimum tilt angle for the south facing solar devices installing in BangladeshRahman, M MIJRSP Vol.30(6) [December 2001]292-293
Rapid access of some trisubstituted imidazoles from benzil condensed with aldehydes and ammonium acetate catalyzed by L-cysteine.Roy, H N; Rahman, M M; Pramanick, P KIJC-B Vol.52B(01) [January 2013]153-159
Site independent global solar radiation correlation with bright sunshine hoursRahman, M MIJRSP Vol.29(5) [October 2000]285-290
Solar beam radiation estimate’s correlation for BangladeshRahman, M M; Uddin, M A; Islam, M WIJRSP Vol.28(6) [December 1999]277-285
A better method for computing Ho appearing in the correlations of solar radiation estimatesRahman, M MIJRSP Vol.30(3) [June 2001]127-129