Browsing by Author Royan, J P

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Assessment of cyst production potential of a natural population of brine shrimp ArtemiaRoyan, J P; Vijayaraghavan, Sumitra; Kumari, L KrishnaIJMS Vol.20(1) [March 1991]72-74
Cyst quality and hatching in parthenogenetic brine shrimp, ArtemiaRoyan, J P; Vijayaraghavan, Sumitra; Krishnakumari, L; Ramaiah, NIJMS Vol.16(4) [December 1987]249-252
Effects of different feeding levels on moulting, growth, food conversion efficiency and biochemical composition of the prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius)Sumitra-Vijayaraghavan; Royan, J P; Rao, T S SIJMS Vol.11(4) [December 1982]347-349
Energy content of suspended detritus from Arabian SeaKumari, L Krishna; Vijayaraghavan, Sumitra; Royan, J PIJMS Vol.20(1) [March 1991]80-82
Energy values of suspended detritus in Andaman SeaKumari, L Krishna; Royan, J P; Sumitra-VijayaraghavanIJMS Vol.18(4) [December 1989]282-283
Evaluation of different feeds for optimal growth and survival of parthenogenetic brine shrimp, ArtemiaVuayaraghavan, Sumitra; Krishnakumari, L; Royan, J PIJMS Vol.16(4) [December 1987]253-255
Food Conversion of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) Fed on Decapsulated Cysts of ArtemiaVijayaraghavan, Sumitra; Kumari, L Krishna; Royan, J PIJMS Vol.17(2) [June 1988]172-173
Growth and food conversion efficiency in the fish Etroplus suratensis in relation to different feeding levelsSumitra-Vijayaraghavan; Royan, J P; Rao, T S SIJMS Vol.11(4) [December 1982]350-352
Nutritional Evaluation of Artemia Nauplii for the Culture of Marine Crustacean Mysidopsis bahia (M.)Royan, J P; Zemmouri, A; Sorgeloos, P; Leger, PHIJMS Vol.17(3) [September 1988]228-230