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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Apparent relationship between Thermal Regime in Antarctic waters and Indian Summer MonsoonMenon, H B; Babu, V Ramesh; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.17(1) [March 1988]87-90
Beach Morphological Variations over Micro-time ScalesMurty, C S; Veerayya, M; Sastry, J S; Varadachari, V V RIJMS Vol.09(1) [March 1980]35-44
Circulation &Watermass Structure in the Central Arabian Sea during December 1982Sarma, Y V B; Murty, V S N; Rao, D Panakala; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.15(4) [December 1986]234-240
Computations Of Some Acoustic Ray Parameters In The Bay Of BengalMurty, T V Ramana; Somayajulu, Y K; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.19(4) [December 1990]235-245
Hydrographic characteristics of central Bay of Bengal waters during southwest monsoon of 1983Somayajulu, Y K; Murty, T V Ramana; Kumar, S Prasanna; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.16(4) [December 1987]207-217
Physico-chemical characteristics and circulation of waters in the Mauritius-Seychelles ridge zone, southwest Indian OceanRagoonaden, S; Babu, V Ramesh; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.16(3) [September 1987]184-191
Reference Depth for Geostrophic Computation - A New MethodVarkey, M J; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.17(2) [June 1988]91-93
Relationship Between Indian-Summer Monsoon Rainfall And Position Of Pacific-Ocean Warm PoolGopinathan, C K; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.19(4) [December 1990]246-250
Seasonally reversing current bands across 15° N in the Arabian Sea and their implicationsAntony, M K; Shenoi, S S C; Krishna, V V Gopala; Murty, C S; Rao, D P; Murty, V S N; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.21(1) [March 1992]46-51
Shoreline Deformations in Relation to Shore Protection Structures along Kerala CoastMurty, C S; Sastry, J S; Varadachari, V V RIJMS Vol.09(2) [June 1980]77-81
Summer monsoonal heat balance for upper central equatorial Indian OceanBabu, V Ramesh; Gopalakrishna, V V; Rao, M V; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.18(1) [March 1989]66-70
Surface Circulation over the Shelf Off the East Coast of India during the Southwest MonsoonKrishna, V V Gopala; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]62-65
Thermal response of upper layers of Bay of Bengal to forcing of a severe cyclonic storm : A case studyKrishna, V V Gopala; Murty, V S N; Sarma, M S S; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.22(1) [March 1993]8-11
Thermohaline Circulation And Water Characteristics Around Mauritius Group Of IslandsSarma, Y V B; Krishna, V V Gopala; Rao, D P; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.19(3) [September 1990]196-200