Browsing by Author Sekar, R

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
All sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer for optical investigation of the upper atmosphereSekar, R; Gurubaran, S; Sridharan, RIJRSP Vol.22(3) [June 1993]197-204
Application of capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of nicotine content in Gutkha samplesSekar, R; Kulshrestha, U C; Vairamani, MIJCT Vol.08(1) [January 2001]33-35
Determination of acetylsalicylic acid and related substances in pharmaceutical preparations and bulk drugs by capillary electrophoresisSekar, R; Prasad, P Ravi; Vairamani, MIJCT Vol.10(6) [November 2003]603-606
Effect of coriolis force on soret driven ferrothermohaline convection in a medium of sparse particle suspensionVaidyanathan, G; Sekar, R; Hemalatha, RIJPAP Vol.45(8) [August 2007]666-673
Effect of horizontal thermal gradient on double-diffusive ferroconvectionSekar, R; Vaidyanathan, G; Hemalatha, RIJPAP Vol.47(03) [March 2009]192-198
Effect of horizontal thermal gradient on ferroconvectionVaidyanathan, G; Sekar, R; Hemalatha, RIJPAP Vol.46(7) [July 2008]477-483
Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on ferroconvection in rotating mediumVaidyanathan, G; Sekar, R; Ramanathan, AIJPAP Vol.40(03) [March 2002]159-165
Effect of rotation on ferro thermohaline convection saturating a porous mediumSekar, R; Ramanathan, A; Vaidyanathan, GIJEMS Vol.05(6) [December 1998]445-452
Effects of rotation and anisotropy of a porous medium on ferroconvectionVaidyanathan, G; Sekar, R; Ramanathan, AIJEMS Vol.05(6) [December 1998]436-440
Electrodeposition of Zinc-iron alloyRavindran, Visalakshi; Sridevi, R; Rajakumari, R; Sekar, R; Muralidharan, V SIJCT Vol.11(4) [July 2004]465-469
Ferroconvection induced by point heat sourceSekar, R; Vaidyanathan, G; Vasanthakumari, RIJEMS Vol.11(4) [August 2004]331-337
Preliminary results on equatorial spread-F irregularities by VHF and HF radarsSekar, R; Kherani, E A; Viswanathan, K S; Patra, A K; Rao, P B; Devasia, C V; Subbarao, K S V; Tiwari, D; Ramachandran, NIJRSP Vol.29(4) [August 2000]262-271
Separation and determination of 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde and related compounds by high performance capillary electrophoresisSekar, R; Kulshrestha, U C; Vairamani, MIJC-A Vol.40A(06) [June 2001]662-665
Simultaneous determination of mefenamic acid and paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations by 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyHusain, Sajid; Kifayatullah, M; Sekar, RIJCT Vol.08(3) [May 2001]191-194
Equatorial spread-F research in India: A brief review Sekar, R; Chakrabarty, DIJRSP Vol.37(1) [February 2008]7-27
1H-NMR Spectrometric determination of propranolol and its simultaneous determination in presence of xipamide in pharma ceutical preparations Husain, Sajid; Kifayatullah, M; Sekar, RIJCT Vol.03(4) [July 1996]227-230