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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions: part XIV – Highly selective cycloadditions of C, N-diaryl nitrones to diethyl aryl methylene malonates¹Banerji, A; Sengupta, S; Nayak, A; Biswas, P K; Bhattacharya, B; S Dasgupta, (Mrs. Ray); Saha, R; Prange, Thierry; Neuman, AlainIJCB Vol.46B(9) [September 2007]1495-1500
Air permeability of jute based needle-punched nonwoven fabricsSengupta, S; Samajpati, S; Ganguly, P KIJFTR Vol.24(2) [June 1999]103-110
Biopolishing of jute-cotton union fabricKundu, A B; Ghosh, B S; Dutta, A K; Ghosh, U K; Sengupta, S; Ghosh, B LIJFTR Vol.21(2) [June 1996]127-130
Effect of chemical texturization on physical and relaxation properties of jutepolypropylene ply yarnsSengupta, S; Ganguly, P K; Ghosh, Samar KantiIJFTR Vol.26(3) [September 2001]261-267
Effect of dynamic loading on jute-based needle-punched nonwoven fabricsSengupta, S; Ray, P; Majumdar, P KIJFTR Vol.30(4) [December 2005]389-395
Extensivity of entropyDas, S K; Sengupta, SIJPAP Vol.41(12) [December 2003]941-945
Influence of core fibre characteristics on the rupture process and properties of wrap (parafil) yarnsSengupta, A K; Chattopadhyay, R; Sengupta, S; Khatua, D PIJFTR Vol.18(2) [June 1993]62-65
Mechanical behaviour of jute and polypropylene blended needle-punched fabricsGanguly, P K; Sengupta, S; Samajpati, SIJFTR Vol.24(1) [March 1999]34-40
Mechanical behaviour of texturised jute and polypropylene blended needle-punched fabricsGanguly, P K; Sengupta, S; Samajpati, SIJFTR Vol.22(3) [September 1997]169-175
Mechanics of Formation of a Nearshore Sand Bar in Ebb-Tidal-Spit: A theoretical StudyDas, S; Sengupta, SIJMS Vol.17(4) [December 1988]270-275
Production and Application of Engineered Waste Jute Entangled Sheet for Soil Cover: A Green SystemSengupta, S; Debnath, SJSIR Vol.77(04) [April 2018]240-245
Quantum manifestations of the classical chaos in an undamped Duffing oscillator in presence of an external field: A quantum theory of motion studySengupta, S; Poddar, A; Chattaraj, P KIJC-A Vol.39A(01-03) [January-March 2000]316-322
Retained strength of air-spliced yarn —Rupture process and effect of test lengthSengupta, SIJFTR Vol.25(4) [December 2000]277-283
Some studies on structure and properties of wrapped jute (parafil) yarnsSengupta, A K; Chattopadhyay, R S; Sengupta, S; Khatua, D PIJFTR Vol.16(2) [June 1991]128-132
Stochastic analysis of major physical properties of coconut fibreSengupta, S; Basu, G; Chakraborty, R; Thampi, C JIJFTR Vol.39(1) [March 2014]14-23