Browsing by Author Venugopalan, V K

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Biochemical oxidation of organic matter in Bay of Bengal waters off Madras-VisakhapatnamLoganathan, B; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.13(4) [December 1984]184-186
Diel Variations in Some Organic Constituents of Particulate Matter in Vellar EstuarySubramanian, B R; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.09(4) [December 1980]246-249
Distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Pondicherry coastal environsVelammal, A; Aiyamperumal, B; Venugopalan, V K; Ajmalkhan, SIJMS Vol.23(4) [December 1994]239-241
Iron precipitation in estuarine environmentSubramanian, A N; Ramadhas, V; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.08(3) [September 1979]175-176
Lindane induced respiratory changes in juveniles of estuarine fish Mugil cephalus (Linn.)Rao, P Sasi Bhushana; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.13(4) [December 1984]196-198
New Dilution Technique for BOD Estimation in Brackish and Sea WatersLoganathan, B; Ramadhas, V; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.14(3) [September 1985]156-159
Nitrate - phosphate relationship in a tropical estuarine environmentVenugopalan, V K; Vijayalakshmi, G S; Rajendran, AIJMS Vol.10(4) [December 1981]379-381
Phytoplankton biomass and productivity of different size fractions in the Vellar estuarine system, southeast coast of IndiaKawabata, Zenichiro; Magendran, A; Palanichamy, S; Venugopalan, V K; Tatsukawa, RyoIJMS Vol.22(4) [December 1993]294-296
Toxicity of Organochlorine Pesticides to Zooplankton of Vellar EstuaryRajendran, N; Venugopalan, V KIJMS Vol.17(2) [June 1988]168-169