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Antifouling activities of marine sedentary invertebrates .on some macrofoulersWilsanand, V; Wagh, A B; Bapuji, MIJMS Vol.28(3) [September 1999]280-284
Antifouling property of the fruits of Randia brandisii (Rubiaceae) and Sapindus trifoliatus (Sapindaceae)Sawant, S S; Garg, A; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.21(3) [September 1992]226-227
Biochemical Composition And Calorific Value of Zooplankton from Northern Part of Central Arabian SeaNandakumar, K; Bhat, L K; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.17(1) [March 1988]48-50
Biochemical composition of zooplankton of Bombay High (oil platform) area in the Arabian SeaBhat, K L; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.21(3) [September 1992]220-223
Biofoulers on aluminum and stainless steel panels at Vijaydurg harbor, central west coast of IndiaSrinivas, D; Sawant, S S; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.21(2) [June 1992]143-145
Biofouling of an offshore oil platform: Faunal composition and biomassVenugopalan, V P; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.19(1) [March 1990]53-56
Cathodic protection of mild steel and copper in deep waters of the Arabian Sea and Bay of BengalSawant, S S; Venkat, K; Wagh, A BIJCT Vol.01(5) [September 1994]279-282
Composition of microfouling on aluminum and fiber glass panels exposed in Agatti waters (Lakshadweep Island)Raveendran, T V; Sankaran, P D; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.20(1) [March 1991]75-77
Corrosion of mild steel, copper and brass in crude oil/seawater mixtureDevi, S Prabha; Sawant, S S; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.21(2) [June 1992]146-148
Destruction of timber panels by wood boring organisms in Mandovi Estuary of GoaWagh, A B; Anil, A CIJMS Vol.12(3) [September 1983]189-191
Dissolved and particulate lipids in the Arabian Sea off Bombay CoastNandakumar, K; Bhosle, N B; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.16(4) [December 1987]240-242
Distribution and growth of wood-borers in Bombay offshore watersRaveendran, T V; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.20(2) [June 1991]143-146
Distribution of Particulate Carbohydrate in the Eastern Arabian Sea along 15° NNandakumar, K; Bhosie, N B; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.17(3) [September 1988]238-239
Distribution of particulate organic matter in Rajapur and Vagothan estuaries (west coast of India)Tulaskar, A S; Sawant, S S; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.21(4) [December 1992]290-291
Effect of alcohol extracts of demospongiae on growth of periphytic diatomsWilsanand, V; Wagh, A B; Bapuji, MIJMS Vol.28(3) [September 1999]274-279
Fluxes of inorganic and organic particulate matter in the Arabian Sea off BombaySawant, SS; Bhosle, NB; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.18(1) [March 1989]21-23
Growth inhibition of periphytic diatoms by methanol extracts of sponges and holothuriansMokashe, S S; Garg, A; Anil, A C; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.23(1) [March 1994]57-58
Methods For Removal And Estimation Of Microfouling BiomassSharma, M O; Bhosle, N B; Wagh, A BIJMS Vol.19(3) [September 1990]174-176