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Title: Oscillations in ultraweak photon emission of Acetabularia acetabulum (L.)
Authors: Wijk, Roeland Van
Wijk, Eduard P A Van
Keywords: Acetabuaria;Biological information;Intercellular dynamics;Regulation;Oscillation;Ultraweak photon emission
Issue Date: May-2003
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Ultraweak photon emission of dark-incubated A. acetabulum cells were measured with the use of a sensitive electronphotomultiplier of the Hamamatsu 550 type. The photon count series were subjected to Fourier analysis for 2-1020 sec period range. The average level of photon emission in samples containing 50 cell s was approximately 40% above background. Cell cultures were prepared at least 24 hr before the photon emission measurements and kept un–disturbed ("established cultures"). This paper reports results of Fourier analysis of a number of samples of Acetabularia cells. In a single population cells periodicity of light emission was not defined directly from Fourier transformation. A large number of analyses, however, if they are combined and compared with background data, reveal a cell-culture specific frequency pattern. The results suggest the idea that established cell-cultures are characterized by higher intensities of long period (minutes) oscillations occurs, while a relative decrease was observed in the short period (few seconds) range. The long period oscillations were not detected in cell cultures that were prepared within 1hr before the photon emission measurements. It is concluded that Fourier analysis of ultraweak photon emission, even with relatively low signals, appears to be possible. It may serve as a non-invasive tool for monitoring the physiological state of cells, or for studying the control of intercellular dynamics.
Page(s): 411-418
ISSN: 0975-1009 (Online); 0019-5189 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJEB Vol.41(05) [May 2003]

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