IJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001] : [9] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Characteristics of the observed low latitude very low frequency emission periods and whistler-mode group delays at JammuLalmani; Kumar, Rajou; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]214-216
Ionospheric electron content near anomaly crest as precursor of earthquakeDevi, M; Barman, M K; Barbara, A K; Depueva, AIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]209-213
Triangular microstrip stacked antenna for dual band operationVasistha, Prashant; Vishvakarma, Babau RIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]205-208
Response of microwave scattering from crop (wheat) and crop covered soil moisture for remote sensingSingh, D; Sharan, S K; Singh, K PIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]198-204
Multipath effects on a line-of-sight microwave linkSarkar, S K; Raju, K Megha; Punyaseshundu, D; Gupta, M M; Kumar, Rajesh; Prasad, M V S NIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]194-197
Sodar observed winds in the convective boundary layer at Kharagpur, India, during monsoon 1990Murthy, B S; Parasnis, S SIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]181-193
Short-term ozone trend in IndiaJana, P K; Midya, S K; De, U KIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]176-180
Comparison of total electron content predicted by IRI with that measured over AnkaraOzcan, Osman; Unal, IbrahimIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]172-175
Strength of the equatorial electro jet and geomagnetic activity control on VHF scintillations at the Indian longitudinal zoneBanola, S; Pathan, B M; Rao, D R KIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]163-171
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9