BVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006] : [18] Collection home page



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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
Effet of filler on ionic conductivity of electrolytes of low and high Tg polymer Agarwal, S L; Awadhiya, A; Patel, S K; Patel, R BBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]192-197
Responses of plants to the rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide : An analysisUpreti, DC; Sexena, D C; Dwivedi, Neeta; Raj, Anupam; Paswan, Ganesh; Dass, Ranjan; Sujatha; Garg, S C; Maini, H K; Mitra, A PBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]186-191
Enhancement of ethanol production by optimization of fermentation process from Sweet Sorghum juicePrasad, Shiv; Joshi, H C; Lata; Kaushik, RBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]181-185
Sustainable use of fly ash in agro-forestrySinha, A K; Srivastava, N. K.; Ram, L CBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]172-180
Natural source of lutein: Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) Introduction, cultivation, selection and quality improvement under mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh Kaul, Kiran; Bedi, Y SBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]167-171
Standardisation of propagation techniques in Large Cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.) Singh, Yudhvir; Sharma, Susheel; Pathania, N KBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]165-166
Feasibility and profitability of Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) based intercropping systems under wet-temperate condition of Himachal Pradesh Puri, Garima; Badiyala, Dinesh; Puri, U KBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]161-164
Cultivation of Large Cardamom in Himachal PradeshSood, R K; Singh, R D; Ahuja, P SBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]156-160
Hybridization in Fragrant Roses for quality improvementDhyani, D; Karthigeyan, S; Ahuja, P SBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]151-155
Some overlooked but important medicinal and aromatic plants of Western HimalayaChawla, Amit; Singh, K N; Sharma, Varun; Lal, Brij; Singh, R D; Ahuja, P SBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]146-150
Development and patenting of Gladiolus hybridsDhyani, Devendra; Mukherjee, DebashishBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]141-145
Conservation and domestication of Aconitum heterophyllum Kushwaha, Rekha; Ogra, Ram Krishan; Prakash, Om; Bhattacharya, AmitaBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]137-140
Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth. : A new potential cash crop for high hill temperate regions Sood, Ruchi; Megeji, Nima W; Singh, Yirendra; Kaul, V KBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]131-136
Commercial cultivation of aromatic plants in UttaranchalNarayan, Om; Chauhan, Nirpendra; Lohani, HemaBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]127-130
Guidelines for agricultural practices for the production of medicinal & aromatic plantsNema, P K; Tiwari, Gyanendra; Singh, O P; Chaturvedi, Roopesh; Jain, P KBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]122-126
Clary Sage : A high value aromatic crop suitable for agricultural industrialisationSood, Ruchi; Singh, VirendraBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]114-121
Valeriana jatamansi : An imminent medicinal and aromatic crop Ramawat, Naleeni; Ramesh, K; Singh, Virendra; Kaul, V KBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]106-113
Madhurguna (Stevia rebaudiana) : Introduction, research and commercial production in India Singh, Virendra; Ramesh, K; Megeji, Nima W; Kaul, V K; Ahuja, P SBVAAP Vol.14(2) [December 2006]101-105
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18