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Title: Information needs of agricultural extension workers in Nigeria
Authors: Aina, L O
Issue Date: Mar-1989
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: The information needs of agricultural extension workers were surveyed taking 73 extension workers in Ibadan area as a sample. The study revealed that information needs of the extension workers are in the areas of control of major pests, credit and co-operatives, proper handling of insecticides, marketing system of agricultural products, etc. It is opined that librarians, journalists and local government officials could be actively involved in the information support of agricultural extension workers in Nigeria.
Page(s): 28-35
ISSN: 0975-2404 (Online); 0972-5423 (Print)
Appears in Collections:ALIS Vol.36(1-2) [March-June 1989]

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