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Title: Information needs and sources of information of the rural agriculturists
Authors: Musib, S K
Issue Date: Mar-1989
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: To find out the major information source of the rural agriculturists (farmers) a survey was conducted in the district of Burdwan in West Bengal. Findings show that the most important information sources are personal experience, friends, neighbours, relatives, family members, fellow professionals and persons in agricultural offices. Attempts have also been made to identify the day-to-day problems of the rural agriculturists, and the sources of information to solve such problems.
Page(s): 63-67
ISSN: 0975-2404 (Online); 0972-5423 (Print)
Appears in Collections:ALIS Vol.36(1-2) [March-June 1989]

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