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Title: Characteristics of turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer over a complex terrain
Authors: Murthy, B S
Dharmaraj, T
Issue Date: Oct-2001
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Measurements of fluctuating wind components and temperature have been made in the atmospheric surface layer over a complex terrain in the campus of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, using sonic anemorneter at 5.2 m above the surface. Characteristics of turbulence, i.e. spectra of wind velocity components and turbulence statistics of wind are presented. The peak of normalized w-spectrum over a complex terrain for near-neutral condition was found to be ~ 0.6 as compared to ~ 0.4 over homogeneous terrain. The non-dimensional frequency maximum for w-component spectrum was observed to be 0.9 as compared to ~ 0.5 over homogeneous terrain. Empirical formulae for standard deviation of velocity components have been tested against observations over hilly terrain. Vertical flux of turbulence kinetic energy as a function of stability is also discussed.
Page(s): 260-265
ISSN: 0975-105X (Online); 0367-8393 (Print)
Appears in Collections: IJRSP Vol.30(5) [October 2001]

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