IJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996] : [12] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Studies on chlorine demand and its decay kinetics on the waters of Kali river around Kaiga project areaBhat, D Krishna; Prakash, T R; Gowda, B Thimme; Sherigara, B S; Khader, A M AIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]58-60
Adsorption of Pb(II) on polyacrylamide grafted tin(IV) oxide gel from aqueous solutionShubha, K P; Anirudhan, T SIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]55-57
Removal of Hg(II) from aqueous solution by sorption on polymerised saw dustRaji, C; Anirudhan, T SIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]49-54
Effects of time and temperature on the mild steel corrosion inhibition by molybdate and nitriteMustafa, C M; Rahman, A K M Obaydur; Begum, D AIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]44-48
Corrosion and passivation of Pb in CO solutionsEl-Egamy, S S; Badawy, W AIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]37-43
Corrosion characteristics of some aluminium alloys in oxalic acidSingh, M M; Gupta, ArchanaIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]32-36
Process optimization, kinetics and mechanism of the nitroxidation of 4-picoline over NiO:Fe2O3 catalyst systemPrasad, R; Bhardwaj, A; Vashisht, Seema; Dwivedi, ReenaIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]27-31
Dilute solution behaviour of partially hydrolysed polyacrylamideBorthakur, A; Sarmah, A; Rahman, M; Subrahmanyam, BIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]23-26
Desalination of brackish water by membrane separation techniquesMuthukrishnan, Shankar; Goli, Sasank Mohan; Srinivas, M Babu; Srinivas, S S; Venkatram, TIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]17-22
Neural network applications in the selective separation of biological productsPatnaik, P RIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]11-16
Periodic operation of tubular reactors for autocatalytic reactions with input multiplicityHrishikesh, M B; Chidambaram, MIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]7-10
Heat transfer in natural circulation closed loop thermosiphonKamil, Mohd; Alam, S SIJCT Vol.03(1) [January 1996]1-6
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12