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Title: Global pervasive and ubiquitous computing during 2005-14
Authors: Dhawan, S.M.
Gupta, B.M.
Gupta, Ritu
Keywords: Pervasive computing;Ubiquitous computing;Scopus;Research output
Issue Date: Jun-2016
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: The paper examines world publications output on ubiquitous & pervasive computing as indexed in Scopus database covering the period 2005-2014. The total world output in 10 years cumulated to 22328 publications, averaging to 9.88% annual growth and citation impact to 3.38 citations per paper. The distribution of world output on ubiquitous & pervasive computing is skewed. For instance, top 15 most productive countries accounted for 91.92% global share. The distribution is also skewed by subject. Computer science accounted for the largest publication share (86.53%). The paper provides scientometric profile of most productive top 20 organizations and most productive top 20 authors on a series of indicators including global publications share, global citation share, average productivity per author, citations per paper, h-index, and share of international collaborative papers during 2005-2014. The paper also reveals most productive top 20 journals on ubiquitous and pervasive computing during 2005-2014. India ranked 13th in its research output in this area. Its performance measured on various indicators has been the least: world share (2.56%), average citations per paper (1.41), relative citation rate (0.42), h-index (11), and highly cited papers (0). The paper suggests that India must evolve a research policy to realize its agenda of expanding economic competitiveness and transforming the country into a ubiquitous modern society in near future.
Page(s): 117-125
ISSN: 0975-2404 (Online); 0972-5423 (Print)
Appears in Collections:ALIS Vol.63(2) [June 2016]

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