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Title: Abnormal reversals of meridional and zonal equatorial electroject current
Authors: Rastogi, R G
Verma, S D
Issue Date: Dec-1994
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: From the analysis of equatorial electrojet data from the Indian sector, it has been shown that the eastward zonal current due to normal electrojet is associated with a poleward meridional current. During periods of counter electrojet (westward zonal current), the meridional current is reversed to equtorward direction. Thus, there is a component of zonal current identified with D or Y field which is an integral part of the equatorial electrojet current and not associated with global Sq. The total current in meridional direction at low latitudes is a mixture of this equatorial electrojet associated current component over the global Sq associated meridional current.
Page(s): 387-392
ISSN: 0975-105X (Online); 0367-8393 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJRSP Vol.23(6) [December 1994]

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