IJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979] : [9] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Fading of Simultaneous If Radio Signals for Two Propagation Paths with the Same Effective HeightSen, S K; Ktrehan, S; Sen, A KIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]91-92
Some Studies on Solar Radio Bursts & SIDs in Relation to Distinctive Visual Features of Hɑ-FlaresGupta, M K Das; Das, T K; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]89-91
Study of Geminid Shower Activity Using Meteor Wind RadarDevara, P C S; Ahmed, Md. Iqhbal; Rao, M SriramaIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]85-88
On the Influence of Sunspot Activity on Sporadic Radio MeteorsRao, M Srirama; Jyothi, K KIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]82-84
Sodar & Radiosonde Studies of Thermal Structure of the Lower Atmosphere at DelhiSingal, S P; Aggarwal, S KIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]76-81
Solar Activity Control on Meteorological Conditions IN Equatorial & Low Latitude Indian StationsSingh, R D; Singh, Ramesh PIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]72-75
Absorption of Microwave Power in Plasmas Superimposed by a dc Electric FieldVanvari, NIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]65-71
On the Interpretation of the Cross-spectrum Method in Ionospheric Drift AnalysisHandra, H CIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]62-64
Development of Low Latitude Ionospheric ModelSomayalulu, Y V; Ghosh, A BIJRSP Vol.08(2) [April 1979]47-61
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9