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Title: Productivity of grass Porteresia coarctata in mangrove forest of Sunderbans
Authors: Ghosh, P B
Chakraborty, C
Saha, A
Singh, B N
Choudhury, A
Issue Date: Dec-1991
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Average total biomass production of the grass P. coarctata in a tidal creek was estimated as 260 g.m-2.y-1 (dry wt). Of the total production, leaves, stems, understems and roots contributed 29.6, 40, 23.9 and 6.4% respectively. Throughout the season, maximum rate of production was obtained during monsoon (0.86 g.m-2.d-1) and minimum in postmonsoon season (0.44 g.m-2.d-1). Above ground plant production (181.6 g.m-2.y-1) was higher than the below ground production (79 m-2.y-1). About 666 kcal.m-2.y-1 solar energy was utilised by the plant to produce 177 g.m-2.y-1 glucose and 70.8 g.m-2.y-1 organic carbon.
Page(s): 280-282
ISSN: 0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJMS Vol.20(4) [December 1991]

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