ALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017] : [10] Collection home page


  Eugene Garfield – an obituary

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Scientometric study of books authored by Nobel laureate Amartya SenSinha, Atanu KumarALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]9-15
Developmental features of biomedical bibliographic databasesSubramanyam, N.; Krishnamurthy, M.; Asundi, A.Y.ALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]16-20
Usage of electronic resources by librarians of Sri Lankan universitiesWijetunge, PradeepaALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]21-27
Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014 Part I: Indian publication output and its citation impactGarg, K. C.; Tripathi, H. K.ALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]28-36
Hindi language text search: a literature reviewSingh, Pratibha; Tripathi, AdityaALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]37-43
The status of the University of Khartoum institutional repositoryAbdelrahman, Omer HassanALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]44-49
Analysing the effects of cultural dimensions on the quality of library websitesChakraborty, SarthakALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]50-58
Chronic liver disease (CLD) research in SAARC countries: A scientometric analysis of research output during 1996-2015Naheem, K. T.; Nagalingam, U.; Ramesha, B.ALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]59-68
Wikipedia and LIS: A study of coverage of concepts for UGC-NETHarinarayana, N.S.; Meenakshi, S; Raju, Vasantha NALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]69-75
Library and information science journals on the UGC API list: A StudyGupta, Dinesh K; Kumar, Vijendra; Kabra, NeelamALIS Vol.64(1) [March 2017]76-92
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10